SCUTTLE Now has fully integrated flagship single-board-computers (SBC) from five different chip manufacturers! For Beaglebone, TI Edge AI, Raspberry Pi, and the Axiomtek-made Intel designs, we give full wiring diagrams available. More complete design content is on the way.
This is an open door for living room tinkerers all the way up to industrial warehouse roboticists. The latest integration, Intel’s Generation 11 i-7 computer is ready for industrial applications like Alphabot, a warehouse robot that executes real-world material transport for Walmart Inc.
Each CPU will be re-integrated on the new SCUTTLE v3.0 chassis which levels up ease-of-build, and includes more reliable, professional circuitry. V3 offers new battery options and greater modularity for hookup of heavy-lifting actuators that may take up to 200 watts.
The trend in robotics is to make AI possible on the edge device (locally on the robot, not in the cloud). With the new Intel integration, we have validated components that will support these higher-powered machines. Beaglebone’s new computer, the Beaglebone AI-64, is on our short list to add next. Beaglebone may be the only AI ready SBC with an open design – and that’s what the world needs to put power in the hands of the Maker.