Student Projects Home Resources Videos Student Projects 50 videos found Flobotics Airflow Sensor Testing capstone,Student Projects Flobotics Engineering Showcase Video from 2022. Team: A capstone ... Nextec team tests computer vision... Computer Vision,Student Projects Golf ball actuator subroutines: MXET... Computer Vision,Student Projects Search and destroy: MXET 300 Team... Student Projects Lidar Navigation: MXET 300 Team 7... Student Projects Obstacle avoidance & color... Student Projects SCUTTLE Promo 2023 1080p,promo,Student Projects,v2 Just a little flavor of SCUTTLE activity, mostly filmed in 2020 through 2022, and published in 2023. SCUTTLE Robot rides elevator: MXET 300 Student Projects Ball collection: MXET 300 Team... Computer Vision,Student Projects Autonomous ball collection: MXET 300... Student Projects This is the video for the final project for MXET 300 for TEAM PLACE. ... Color Tracking Unit: MXET 300 Team... Student Projects Interactive high-fiving scuttle:... Student Projects 123…5»Page 1 of 5