A huge effort to support learners from the ground up.
The Library
Instead of costly professional films, we focus on a complete learning experience. We really want users to be able to reproduce community projects, and become better engineers (at any age). We show you how to build, program, and design everything we do.
To Buikem and others who have helped tag & build the library!
SCUTTLE videos are an open collection. Students, collaborators, and team members within the SCUTTLE organization publish videos. With unlimited types of projects, we invite you to contribute your videos too!
Find a video:
Most content is on Youtube on many different channels. We have catalogged them here for easier discovery. We worked really hard to tag videos in our library so you can filter them. The library still isn’t perfect but each tag is intended to help.

An Example:
Find a video about wiring an Encoder on a Raspberry Pi ► you can search
- Subsytem: Sensors
- Stage: Building
- Learning Channel: application
- Intelligence unit: Raspberry Pi
If you get many results and you want to see videos specifically designed as instructions, then also select:
- Tag: Guides
Cool intro video:
A montage of community projects, customizations, how we build SCUTTLEs and 3D print stuff!